Measurement Activites

Click on any pictured form on this page to see it in PDF printable view.

Money Bingo

Parent Directions:
Choose 15 different amounts of money and write them on a piece of paper
Give each player small objects to cover their squares.
Have the players choose 8 and write them on their BINGO page.
Put out coins and/or bills to make one of the amounts.
If the player has the amount on their page they can cover it with one of their pieces.
The player to get 3 in a row first wins.

Money Memory

Use the cards below to play a memory game.
Match coins to coins, coins to words, or coins to value.

Finding Money

Parent Directions:
Use the pages below to see what your child knows.
These pages have different coins randomly placed on the page.
Have them find one or more coins on the page and circle just the ones you say.
These can be timed or not.

Write the Time

Parent Directions:
Print several copies of the blank clocks.
Choose hours, half hours, quarter hours, or minutes to work on.
Draw the hands on the clock.
Have your child figure out the what time the clock says and help them write it on the digital clock next to the analog clock. For an easier version, write several times on the digital clock form , cut them apart and have your child find the time that matches what you put on the analog clock.

Time Match

Parent Directions:
Print copies of the clock page and blank digital clock page below.
Draw different times on each of the clocks.  Write the same times in digital version on the other cards.
Cut them apart and turn them over to make a memory game.
See if your child can match the analog clocks to the digital clocks.

Using your Ruler

Use the paper rulers and worksheets below to practice using your ruler. There are 4 different rulers and 7 worksheets
You can also use a real ruler if you have one.

Measure Around the House

Use the paper ruler above or a real ruler if you have one.
Choose 10 things in your house that you can measure with your ruler. 
If the objects are bigger than your ruler use a yardstick or move your ruler.

Dump and Pour

Parent Directions:
Gather cans or containers that hold one cup, one pint, one quart, and one gallon.
Fill a small tub or the sink with water and experiement with your child.
How many cups does it take to make a pint, quart, or gallon?
Have them mark on the Gallon sheet (below) where the cup, pint, and quart lines are.